Sunday, June 30, 2013

Weekend over :)!

Sunday at 11PM and why am I not asleep???  Well because I'm listening to all the inconsiderate asses who are celebrating July 4th, 5 days early.  SOME PEOPLE DO WORK DURING THE SUMMER YOU KNOW!!!!  UGH!  And there are children who still have to get up early the next morning for camp, daycare, dad' house....whatever....!!!

Okay, enough ranting.  Anyway, today's argument between my 7 yr old teenager and I was rather amusing.  Grace was upstairs cleaning her room and I am in the kitchen wrestling with my can opener that refused to open a can.  Grace:  "What did you say mom?"  Me:  "Nothing Grace"  Grace:  "No, I heard you.  What did you say?"  Me (to myself):  "I said nothing.  I was simply talking to myself.  The only adult in the house" (to Grace)  "Nothing honey.  Just asking this can opener why it won't work for me"  Grace:  "Okay Mom.  Good luck!"  What makes this so hysterical to me is that in the past I've admitted to her when I was talking to myself and she comes down all concerned saying I shouldn't do that.  Bad habit to get into.  But because I was talking to the can opener, it was perfectly alright!!

I do talk to myself a lot.  Always have though.  This isn't like something that just started since my husband left me.  I come from a line of of self-conversationalists.  My father being the biggest.  His secretary had an office across the hall and used to tell me about how much he talked to himself.  I have always done it.  I am an only child and personally I think it is what kept me sane all those years on my own with no other children around. It's definitely what keeps my sanity these days.  My father was not an only child.  Came from a family of 4 other siblings.  Wonder what his excuse is???

Did you ever feel like that when you talk to yourself, that you are speaking to the only person that really gets it?  LOL!!  I'm not crazy.  Trust I certainly don't answer myself or anything.  In fact, I make sure that I don't ask myself any questions.  That would just be weird.

True confessions:  I watch CSPAN!!  There it's out!  Especially on Sunday nights.  I like Booknotes.  I like it so much that I will sometimes put it on my computer at work and listen to the recorded interviews with authors while I work.  I LOVE hearing about the books they've written and how they got their ideas.  I love hearing how they wrote the book.  Not just the research and all, but how they actually went at the writing process.  One author in particular I remember talked about how she woke at 5 AM and wrote in her pajamas in her home office until 9 AM.  5 days a week.  I just thought, "Wow, what a job"!  Wish I had a job like that.  One that would pay the bills and allow me to stay home, but yet still be employed!!  She was quite an accomplished writer though.  Has several best selling books.  So something tells me life wasn't always like that.

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