Saturday, July 20, 2013

Typical weekend...

Funny story,  my daughter is having a sleepover with another friend.  They are both being raised by single mothers.  They are laying in their sleeping bags having a discussion about the lack of father's in their and friend's lives.  Wow!  Whatever happened to the days of having seances and talking about how gross boys are?!  I guess it's funny and sad.  What a shame that kids have to worry about these things these days.

Guess that's a bit of a lead in to my current situation.  Single mom.  Legally still married, but my husband left me a year ago.  July 15, 2012 the day my life changed forever!!!  Wow I thought it was the end of the world.  Of course, now that I know what he really is (I want to keep this blog PG so I won't say), I'm glad he's gone.  He has his own little family now.  Left me for a woman he works with.  Well, in his defense he says he didn't leave me for her.  But he started dating her less than 2 months after leaving me.  I'm sure she helped in his decision a little bit.  I'm not totally stupid!  Anyway, now he has his own little life with her.  Leaves me stuck with all the bills though.  Typical.  Sorry, guess I'm just a little bitter tonight.
But I must say, though my marriage didn't last, I gained some fantastic friends along the way.  All of which, I fully intend to keep near and dear!


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